


Bunbury Counselling and Down South Doulas have joined up once again to deliver the world renowned ‘HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method” in Bunbury and throughout the South West.

Carrina Bradbury is a Certified HypnoBirthing practitioners, as well as certified Childbirth Educator and Birth Doula; and Accredited Pregnancy Support Counsellor; Mental Health Social Worker and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

What is HypnoBirthing?

HypnoBirthing is a fully integrated childbirth education program that supports women (and birth companions) to re-engage with their natural ability to birth a baby in a calm and gentle way.   The program prepares women physically, mentally and spiritually for the natural process of childbirth, whilst dispelling the cultural myths that have led to doubt, fear and mistrust in the process.

HypnoBirthing teaches mothers and their birth companion’s techniques for safe and satisfying birthing using guided imagery, visualisation and breathing.


The HypnoBirthing Advantage

1. Eliminates the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome before, during and after birthing.

2. Reduces, and often eliminates, the need for chemical pain relief, episiotomy and other interventions

3. Lessens fatigue during labour, leaving the mother fresh, awake, and energized as she brings her baby into the world

4. Shortens the thinning and opening phase of labour by several hours and allows the birthing mother to utilise the natural pulsations of her body to breathe her baby down to the crowing stage, rather than pushing for long, exhausting periods of time.  Reduces risk of pelvic floor damage

5. Brings the mother, the baby, and the birthing companion together in a wonderful prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal bonding experience

6. The birthing companion is an integral part of the birthing, not an onlooker

7. Special breathing almost entirely eliminates postnatal discomfort and ‘baby blues”

8. Babies are better adjusted and happier, resulting in better eating and sleeping routines

9. Mothers don’t run the risk of hyperventilating from shallow breathing

10. Birth is returned to the safe, beautiful, peaceful experience that Nature intended

The Down South HypnoBirthing Package

HypnoBirthing is made up of an initial intake/assessment by our hypnotherapists, followed by 5 x 2.5 hour sessions, . These sessions can take place as part of a group or individually if you would prefer. The ideal time to start your course is around the 28 week stage of your pregnancy. This will give you ample time to practice and master the techniques you will learn during the sessions. However, if you are reading this and you are further along in your pregnancy it is not too late to start.

Session 1: Building A Positive Expectancy Session one focusses on reprogramming your beliefs and expectations about birth.  Many misconceptions have developed over years about birthing being a painful and difficult process, yet this is a social construct not a natural on.  By learning how your body and baby work with you and for you, you will gain a deep understanding of the natural and normal journey that is pregnancy and birth.   You will be introduced to the experience and processes of deep relaxation as we begin to provide you with the numerous techniques you will use throughout the birthing journey. You will leave this session with new positive feelings towards birth.

Session 2: Falling in Love With Your Baby/Preparing Mind & Body Understanding, appreciating and falling in love with your body and your baby can have a profound affect on the pregnancy, baby’s development, your birth and post natal period.  We start off this session with some HypnoBirthing videos followed by prenatal bonding exercises to help you appreciate the miracle developing inside. We continue with more relaxation and breathing techniques. These techniques will be invaluable to you during the birth. Combine this with the benefits of light touch massage, and you will leave with a calm, comfortable mind and body.

Session 3: Getting Ready to Welcome your Baby In this session we explore just what you birthing date really is, and how to avoid interventions such as artificial induction by achieving a natural start to labour. You will also have the opportunity to release any fears, limiting thoughts or negative emotions you may be harbouring surrounding your pregnancy and birth. With the fears released, you will be free from tension, which means being free to birth naturally.

Session 4: Overview of Childbirth—A Labour of Love During this session we move through the birthing process, and what you can expect to experience. This doesn’t just go for the mother, but the birth companion too. They play a vital part in the birthing process, so it’s important for them to know what to do. We review common misconceptions, and give you suggestions to help birthing along if it doesn’t go quite to plan.

Session 5: Birthing-Breathing Love, Bringing Life It is nearly time for your baby to emerge into the world. During this final session we take you through the hallmarks of true labour, give you techniques to birth your baby without the need to push and strain, as is commonly portrayed. You will also learn how to bond with your baby after it is born, so you have a happy loving relationship.

Your package…

HypnoBirthing offers you the program and so much more:

  • Your own copy of the 302-page HypnoBirthing Text, HypnoBirthing– The Mongan Method
  • 5 information-packed class meetings, helping you to understand why labor  doesn’t have to hurt
  • 5 professionally written scripts for your home practice
  • 2 CD/Audio’s for your relaxation, stress reduction, and bonding (Including Rainbow Relaxation)
  • Handouts for planning your Birth Preferences
  • A set of Birth Prompts for your birth Companion
  • Demonstration and practice in optimal birth positions
  • A free hypnotic session in building birth confidence and eliminating fears
  • A Guide to good pregnancy nutrition
  • Several deep relaxation techniques for use during birthing
  • Well-paced instruction designed to build your confidence and help you to have a safer, easier, and more comfortable birthing
  • Special calm breathing methods for use throughout labor and during birthing
  • Body toning exercises and practice
  • The advantage and confidence of the Mongan Method reputation for top-quality birthing preparationYou will also receive unlimited free follow up support via phone or email.

GROUP REGISTRATION  $595.00     – Mother and her Birth Companion

Partially or Fully covered Sessions are available through Medicare with GP Referrals – Please contact us for more information.

Private sessions are also available.


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